What We Do

Round Table is not just for men – we have a family of organisations for everyone to get involved with. Ladies Circle –  Ladies Circle is open to  women aged 18-45 and is Round Table’s sister organisation, sharing the same core values of  friends, having fun and supporting local causes 41 Club and Tangent– Once Round Table or Ladies Circle members have left their respective clubs at 45, they can move onto 41 club (association of ex-Tablers) or Tangent. These two clubs came into being to allow the original clubs to remain true to their vision of catering for the younger generations, while allowing Table and Circle members to continue their involvement in the Round Table family.


By leveraging business connections and strengthening relationships in our business environments, we develop supportive community-minded initiatives.


By leveraging business connections and strengthening relationships in our business environments, we develop supportive community-minded initiatives.


By leveraging business connections and strengthening relationships in our business environments, we develop supportive community-minded initiatives.